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Broad Law via Dollar Law & Cramalt Craig

I climbed Broad Law a few years ago with a friend and deemed it unworthy of a story on my blog. It was a short day, an easy enough climb and had a summit scarred by a variety of installations (including one for Air Traffic Control!). Most of the big walking websites seem to concur, with words such as ‘unremarkable’ …

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Sunset at Cairnsmore of Fleet

Cairnsmore of Fleet is a relatively small hill, with a tragic history, in Dumfries & Galloway, nestled on the coast between Creetown and Newton Stewart. Standing at 2,333ft it is classified as a ‘Graham’ (a mountain between 2,000 – 2,499ft) and, despite having climbed it before, it has always been on my re-do list for one very specific reason: To …

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Loch A’an via Bynack Mor

One of the places I have wanted to visit most in Scotland is Loch A’an (or Loch Avon) in the Cairngorms, a sprawling loch nestled in the crags below Ben Macdui and Cairngorm. These two peaks are the 2nd and 6th highest mountains in Scotland and I’d always known that this spectacular setting would make for a fantastic wild fishing …

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My Top 10 Favourite Pictures of 2019!

It’s that time again where I look back through the adventures I’ve had this year and pick my top ten favourite pictures! 2019 has been a weird year for me and I haven’t gotten as much done as I wanted to but I have still had some incredible adventures throughout the year. I really love writing a piece like this …

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The Grey Mare’s Tail & White Coomb

White Coomb is a relatively easy to climb Corbett in the east of Dumfries & Galloway in the Moffat hills (close to the wonderful Hart Fell Horse Shoe walk I have done previously). At 2, 694ft it is the third biggest Corbett in the south of Scotland and well worth doing, but perhaps not for the actual hill itself. You …

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Climbing Skiddaw via Longside Edge

Last year I spent two days in the Lake District and as you’d expect I had a great time. The highlight of my trip was climbing the 2,848ft Blencathra, a gorgeous peak north-east of Keswick and my first ever English mountain! I knew then that my two day trip wasn’t enough and that I’d have to return to the area, …

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Bagging The Cheviot

It’s been quite a while since I have climbed an English mountain, with the last notable peak I have bagged being the gorgeous Blencathra in the Lake District. For quite a while I’ve had my eye on The Cheviot, the highest point in the Cheviot Hills at the very north of England. A mere 2 miles from the Scottish border, …

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The Merrick & The Shepherd’s Hut

I was recently invited to spend a free night in a Shepherd’s Hut in the beautiful Dumfries & Galloway countryside and how could I say no? Dumfries and Galloway is one of my favourite places in Scotland and is underrated and overlooked by many in my opinion. See? I love it! I’ve also never spent a night in a Shepherd’s …

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How To Spend A Day In Belfast

So you are thinking of visiting Belfast and you aren’t sure what you should see, where you should go or what you should get up to. Or perhaps you have never thought of visiting this city before and you want to find out if it is worth visiting and what it can offer you. Well, I recently visited Belfast and …

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Why You Should Climb Corserine and the Rhinns of Kells

Is there a summit somewhere in the world that you have reached more than once? Is there a cairn somewhere high up, that you have gotten used to seeing? That you could happily climb to another dozen times and not get bored of it? There is for me and it is called Corserine, a Corbett in the Galloway Forest Park …