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Millfore: A Forgotten Summit

Millfore is a hill I have walked past on multiple occasions. Each time, I have been going somewhere else and each time I have thought to myself: “I really ought to climb that one day”. I recently did bag this hill and I had such fun I decided to make a blog post on it! What Actually is Millfore? Millfore …

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Ben Hope: The Most Northerly Munro

The Wonderfully To-The-Point Sign I know what you’re thinking: “what’s so special about Ben Hope?”. Well, for one thing, it is the most northerly Munro. That alone makes it pretty special if you are interested in bagging the mountains that are ‘the most’ something. I’d already bagged Mount Keen, the most easterly Munro a few years ago and when the …

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2018 in Pictures: My Favourites!

To mark the end of 2018, I thought it’d be nice to take a look back at this years adventures! I have driven well over a thousand miles this year, I have climbed many mountains throughout the UK and I have been in many gorgeous towns. So sit back, grab a coffee, and join me in having a look at …

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A Weekend in Wales: Bagging Snowdon

My recent trip to Wales saw me do something I have wanted to do for years: bagging Snowdon, the largest mountain Wales (and the largest mountain in the UK out with the Scottish Highlands). At 3,560ft Snowdon even towers over some of Scotland’s Munro’s and I knew it would be a brilliant way to end my weekend in Wales! You …

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A Weekend in Wales: My First Dayinsure Wales Rally GB

I recently drove over 300 miles from Scotland to Aberystwyth in Wales for one reason: to watch Wales Rally GB! Now I know what you are likely thinking….why!? Isn’t it just cars sliding about in the mud? Isn’t it cold? Can you even get a coffee? Allow me to answer those questions. Yes, Yes & Yes. And it was brilliant. …

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The Bone Caves at Inchnadamph

I went to see the Bone Caves at Inchnadamph during my recent route of the North Coast 500. I didn’t include a detailed report on the caves in my article on the North Coast 500 because of all the other things I did, yet this felt unfair as they were such a memorable part of the trip! Below is a …

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A Guide to the North Coast 500

When a friend of mine asked me if I would like to do the North Coast 500 I have to be honest…I’d never heard of it. Once he explained that it was a 500 mile road-trip around the very north of Scotland, beginning and ending in Inverness, I immediately said yes. How could I refuse? I adore the Scottish Highlands. …

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Fishing Loch Ochiltree

Loch Ochiltree in Dumfries & Galloway is a large loch that sits nestled in beautiful scenery just north of Newton Stewart. The loch itself has 5 boats for use and is stocked with strong rainbow trout while also containing brown trout and some pike. It is owned by the local association, the Newton Stewart Angling Association, and permits can be …

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A Walk Around Millport – The Isle of Cumbrae

When you think of a Scottish Island you probably think of Arran or Skye, or perhaps even Shetland. The notion probably conjures up visions of a ferry battling against stormy sea’s and all-consuming remoteness. This isn’t always the case, however. There is a Scottish island, reachable only by ferry, that you can travel to in 8 minutes. Yes. 8 minutes. …

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Ben Lomond – A Place of Reflection

Ben Lomond is one of the most famous Munro’s in Scotland and I had completely ignored it. This wasn’t anything to do with the mountain itself, on the contrary, it always sounded like a spectacular summit in a beautiful location. However that popularity see’s about 30,000 visitors climb it every year which naturally puts me off as I love to …