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2018 Itinerary – The Objectives For This Year

What Is The Point In This? Good question! I want this site to not just inspire you to do more but also I want to make myself do more too. To that end, I think it will be fun to share with you all what I plan on doing throughout the year. What my objectives are, what I’d like to …

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The Hart Fell Horse Shoe

Sometimes a great walk doesn’t need beautiful sunshine and blue skies: sometimes it needs rain, clouds and healthy dose of blizzard. That’s what I got on my recent hike up Hart Fell. Hart Fell is a Corbett lying about 6 miles to the north-west of the pretty little town of Moffat in Southern Scotland. At 2,650 feet it’s nowhere near …

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A Weekend In The Lake District: Bagging Blencathra – Part 2

My motivation for heading to the Lake District wasn’t just for a relaxing break. It was to do something I have never done before: to bag my first English mountain (A Marilyn). Initially, I had planned on going for the biggest mountain England had to offer: Scaffel Pike. However the atrocious weather before my trip had soured me on this …

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A Weekend In The Lake District – Part 1

Have you ever been to the Lake District? If you haven’t you should. You really should. It’s an absolutely gorgeous area and probably my favourite place in England. I have been to the Lake District a few times in my life and it never disappoints. Quaint English villages, beautiful steam trains, dramatic landscapes and sprawling lakes are all standard features …

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Shalloch on Minnoch in Dumfries & Galloway

I love being out in the hills. The scenery, the quiet, the wildlife…it’s one of the most effective methods of relaxation I know. Amongst the heather you’ll be hard-pressed to find concrete, car engines or any other distraction of modern society. So on a sunny Sunday in February, I headed for the smallest of Dumfries & Galloway’s Corbetts: Shalloch on …

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Garlieston to Cruggleton Castle: A Coastal Walk In Dumfries & Galloway

You probably haven’t heard of Garlieston and why would you? This small coastal village in Dumfries & Galloway lies around 14.5 miles south of Newton Stewart and it’s only real claim to fame is due to its participation in the development of the Mulberry Harbour: the prefabricated harbour which was used by the Allies in the Second World War. Today, …